torsdag, mai 11, 2006


Kina, Pakistan og Cuba er blant medlemmene i FN's nye menneskerettighetsråd. Hm. Tror faktisk at jeg for en gangs skyld skal sitere Ayn Rand - her fra et intervju i Playboy i 1964:

"PLAYBOY: Would you favor U.S. withdrawal from the United Nations?

RAND: Yes. I do not sanction the grotesque pretense of an organization allegedly devoted to world peace and human rights, which includes Soviet Russia, the worst aggressor and bloodiest butcher in history, as one of its members. The notion of protecting rights, with Soviet Russia among the protectors, is an insult to the concept of rights and to the intelligence of any man who is asked to endorse or sanction such an organization. I do not believe that an individual should cooperate with criminals, and, for all the same reasons, I do not believe that free countries should cooperate with dictatorships."

5 kommentarer:

  1. Big Pharao har mer detaljer fra Midtøsten Onsdag

  2. Når det gjelder bruken av uttrykket "sic" har jeg lenge levd i villfarelse. Derfor kompenserer jeg ved å korrigere alle andre som bruker det feil ... hadde derimot ingenting.

  3. anonymouse; Ah. Slettet. Takk!

  4. Sic transit gloria mundi.
