onsdag, januar 23, 2008

Tviler på 9/11

Tidligere leder i SV, Berit Ås, tror at 9/11 var konstruert av USA selv og at TV-bildene var manipulert (takk for tips fra Ellen):

– USA trengte terroranslaget mot tvillingtårnene som påskudd til å gå inn i Afghanistan og Irak, for deretter å få kontroll over oljeressurser, og for å innføre strenge personovervåkingslover på hjemmebane, sa Ås.

Heldigvis var det en intellektuelt oppegående og kritisk forsamling hun møtte i Hortens diskusjonsforening:

– Kan alt være løgn, var det store spørsmålet forsamlingen satt igjen med.

Her er en av de mange videoene som er lagt ut. Det Berit Ås sier er at George Bush ikke bare sprengte bygningene fra underetasjen (hvorpå ekslosjonen ved magi forflytter seg opp i bygningen), men også har et par hundre agenter ute på gaten for å filme hendelsen og late som om de er øyenvitner til fly som kræsjer i bygningen. Fra videoen: "It's a plane, dude". "It's another plane".

Her er en privat video som viser flyet som styrter inn i bygning nummer to og ikke kommer ut på andre siden, slik Ås påstår. Jeg bare minner om at hennes kollegaer sitter i regjering...

56 kommentarer:


  2. Dessverre kan hverken hasj eller syre kan ta skylden for dette her.

    Dette er et utslag av smålig, ondskapsfull hevngjerrighet fra en hvis mørkeste dag var 31. desember 1991.


  4. Hva var det han Venstremannen het, da, som skrev bok om Chem-trails etc? Ertesvåg? Regner med at dette utelukker Venstre som fremtidig regjeringspartner? Jeg må si at det demoniserte bildet av venstresida jeg finner på nettet er direkte parodisk, dere høres litt ut som de siste stemmene på Brennpunkt. (Oi, kan jeg si det her? Eller blir jeg sensurert?)

  5. I gode gamle dager var konspirasjonsteoretikere uvaskede skjeggete menn som bodde i skogen uten strøm og vann og skrev på skrivemaskin, samt klippet og limte avisbokstaver.

    Nå er det høyt utdannede kvinner i offentlige stillinger med politiske verv. I og med at hun er offentlig ansatt er det et tankekosrs at mine skattepenger som går til hennes månedlige kostnader for tarot-kort og spåkkone-telefoner. Går verden fremover?

  6. Det er få forunt å klare å pariodiere venstresiden bedre enn dem selv, men ja, vi prøver så godt vi kan og synes det er kjempefestlig!

  7. Ser ikke bort fra at dama har funnet inspirasjon i filmen "The long kiss goodnight".

  8. fnord: Jesus christ, hvor kom du inn hit fra, anyway?

    Har Ertesvåg vært leder av Venstre? Skal vi se... Nei. Men han var journalist i VG og Sunnmørsposten.

    Og du er litt søt når du mener at å sitere folk er "å demonisere".

  9. Nja, jeg synest kontekstualiseringen sammen med de frydefulle kommentarene fyller ut et bilde jeg har sett mye over på amerikanske blogger, denne skadefryden og karikatur-tegnende humoren overfor en "fiende". "De Røde", det er som å være tilbake på 50-tallet. Istedetfor en praktisk debatt sutrer Høyrefolk rundt som unger. Dere minner om Blogs for Bush ;-)

    Forøvrig er poenget at alle må få lov til å bli litt rare med åra? Så lenge hun gjør jobben sin er jo alt fint? Jeg har samtalt med Kåre Willoch to ganger, han har en helt annen instilling til begrepet diskusjon en mange av dere nye Høyre folka.

  10. Vi høiremænd ser ingen grunn til å demonisere venstresiden.
    Det klarer de fint selv, uten noen form for assistanse.

  11. btw, Ertresvåg var leder for Venstres pressekontor i henhold til Wiki.

  12. Kjell: hurra montebello!

  13. Berit Ås isn’t the only one. On the page http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/
    are listed a number of people who doubt the official story of 9/11.

    120+ Senior Military, Intelligence service, Law Enforcement and Government Officials
    290+ Engineers and Architects
    60+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals
    190+ Professors
    200+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members
    110+ Entertainment and Media Professionals

    Among internationally known people who doubt the official story;

    Paul Hellyer – Former Minister of National Defense of Canada. Former Deputy Prime Minister. Former Member of House of Commons.

    Stephen Beckow – Retired Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Former Historian at the National Museum of Man

    Peter Dale Scott, PhD – Former Canadian diplomat who served at the United Nations and the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw, Poland.

    Michael Meacher – Former Under Secretary for Industry, Under Secretary for Health and Social Security, Minister for the Environment, and Member of the House of Commons (UK).

    Tony Benn – Former Member of British Parliament 1942 - 2001. Longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party. Former Minister of Technology. Former Secretary of State for Industry. Former Secretary of State for Energy. Former Postmaster General.

    Andreas von Buelow, PhD – Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense of West Germany. Former Minister of Research and Technology. Member of Bundestag (Parliament) 1969 - 1994.

    Horst Ehmke, PhD – Former Minister of Justice (West Germany). Former Minister for Research and Technology. Cabinet Member under Chancellors Kurt Kiesinger and Willy Brandt 1966 - 1974. Professor of Law, University of Freiburg.

    Ernst Welteke – Former President of Deutsche Bundesbank (German Federal Bank) 1999 - 2004. German politician and political economist. Member of the Hessian State Parliament, 1974 - 1995.

    Francesco Cossiga – President of Italy (1985 - 1992) and Former Prime Minister. Also served as Undersecretary for Defence. Former President of the Italian Senate. Former Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee. Former Professor of Constitutional Law, Sassari University.

    Ferdinando Imposimato – Honorary President of the Suprema Corte di Cassazione (Supreme Court of Italy). Former Senior Investigative Judge, Italy.

    Giulietto Chiesa – Member of European Parliament, 2004 - present (Italy). Vice Chairman, Committee on International Trade. Member of Committee on Security and Defense.

    Yukihisa Fujita – Member, House of Councillors (the upper house), National Diet of Japan. Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. Former Member of the House of Representatives. Former Director General of the International Department of the Democratic Party of Japan.

    General Leonid Ivashov – Former Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces on 9/11/2001, and Department Chief for General affairs in the Soviet Union's Ministry of Defense.

    Gen. Hosni Mubarak – President of Egypt, 1981 - present. Former Vice President, 1975 - 1981. Former Commander of the Egyptian Air Force and Deputy Minister of War.

    Paul Lannoye – Member of European Parliament, 1989 - 2004 (Belgium). Former Vice Chairman, Committee on Energy, Research and Technology. Former Vice Chairman, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection.

    Christine Boutin – Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, France (appointed on 5/18/07). Founder and leader of the French political party, Forum des républicains sociaux (Forum of Social Republicans, FRS). Presidential candidate in 2002.

    Col. Pierre-Henri Bunel, French Army (ret) – Army intelligence and artillery officer.

    Mahathir bin Mohamad, MD – Former Prime Minister of Malaysia 1981 - 2003. Physician.

    Heikki Kurttila, D.Sc. (Tech.) (Doctor of Technology) – Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst, National Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), Finland. Specialist in the investigation of pressure vessel explosion accidents and the impacts of the shock waves caused by them.

  14. fnord: Beklager at min ynkelige blogg ikke kan tilby deg den intellektuelle dybdedebatt du er ute etter. Da kan du kanskje gå og leke et annet sted? En blogg kommer av ordet webblogg - en personlig dagbokside på nettet der eieren legger ut det innholdet han eller hun synes er gøy eller interessant å formidle.

    Like du ikke det som er på TV, så skru av.

  15. Siste anonym: Fint om du lenker i stedet for å fylle sidene mine med meningsløst innhold. For øvrig er dette kanskje den beste 9/11-siden ever. Morons!

  16. Komikeren Bill Mahers skjeve blikk på enkelte forhold i USA vil kanskje få deg til å hoppe i stolen, VamPus, men når det gjelder konspirasjonsteoriene om 9-11 er dere på samme side. Som meg også. Spol til 5:20 på denne YouTube-linken og len deg tilbake (eller se hele fra starten, ganske morsomt det som er tidligere også). http://youtube.com/watch?v=Aa696L6M6Sw

  17. Er heller ikke med på konspiranoia ;-)

    Akk akk, vampus, om du ikke vil ha cross-comments, da burde du ikke linke til VG.

  18. Inspirere, multiplisere, revidere, konspirere..

    Uten tvil var det Gorgon vaktmester som sto bak 9/11.
    To konspiratører er bedre enn ingen konspiratører!

  19. Berit Ås har rett på en måte, at Bush familiens forhold til Bin Laden familien burde sjekkes grundigere, og at en kan ikke se bort fra at Bush faktisk var involvert, men at Al Qaida utførte ugjerningen er det jo ingen tvil om.
    Hvorfor sendte Bush ut flere medlemmer av Bin Laden klanen få dager etter 11. september uten så mye som å spørre dem om de visste hvor Osama var?

  20. Haha vampus! Jeg digger maddox.

  21. vel fnord, du skjønner at de røde ER fienden.

  22. Sverre Bødtker, Fyllingsdalen, her er noe for deg:

    "Venezuela's controversial President Hugo Chávez has revealed that he regularly consumes coca"


  23. Anonym med laaaangt klipp og lim innlegg: Hva er poenget, at det er flere gærninger enn Berit Ås her i verden, eller hører du til de som tror på konspirasjonen? Og i tilfelle hvilken, No Planes, Bush did it with xplosives, Bush knew but didnt prevent, eller hva? For å kommentere er det nemlig ganske viktig å vite hvilken gruppe du er i.

  24. Spenn: 31 desember 1991? - educate me, please...


  26. Yukihisa Fujita of the Japan Democratic party, the main opposition party in Japan, on Jan. 9th, 2008, made a 20 minute long statement at the Diet (parliament) of Japan, where he questioned the official version of 9/11 presented to the japanese government and the public.

    He explained that in the USA many people doubt the official version of 9/11 and numerous websites and scientists have collected evidence that contradicts the governments version.

    He pointed out that there was never an official Japanese investigation into 9/11. He also pointed out that if al-Qaeda is not responsible for 9/11, then the War Against Terror is illegal.

    On January 11th 2008 the opposition-controlled upper house in Japan voted down the bill to restart the mission to refuel U.S. and other ships patrolling the Indian Ocean.

    As far as I know, this has not been reported in the Norwegian media, even though this is certainly big news. The only possible conclusion is that it is not reported because of censorship of the Norwegian media.

    Furthermore, Norway should start an independent investigation of 9/11. If 9/11 was an inside job, then the War Against Terror is illegal, as well as the Norwegian participation in the war in Afghanistan.


  27. Jo, man kan se bort fra at Bush var involvert. At så mange kan tro ikke bare det, men at flyene aldri traff tårnene (!), er egentlig ganske informativt. Det sier mye om oss som mennesker, og forklarer en hel del. En rekke historiske problemer blir langt enklere for meg å forstå når man tar hensyn til at menneskets natur er av en slik karakter. Bare en løgn er stor nok, så vil alltid mange tro på den...sanne ord.

  28. Side Bush stod bak 911, forklar meg følgende:
    1) Hvorfor satt han i sju minutter da han fikk beskjed om angrepet?
    2) Hvorfor plasserte de ikke ut et eneste WMD i Irak? Det må jo ha vært mye lettere enn å gjennomføre en kjempekonspirasjon som 911 tydeligvis var.
    3) Hvorfor var ikke en enste av kaprerne fra Irak eller Afganistan? ("Og forresten, la kaprerne være fra to land vi har ingen planer om å invadere")
    4) Hvorfor er alle de som ikke tror på regjeringens forklaring fortsatt i live? En politistat som USA angivelig er, burde vel ha knertet noen av dem?
    5) Hvordan klarte de å plassere ut så mye eksplosiver i WTC uten et eneste øyenvitne?
    6) Hvorfor tror ikke Noam Chomsky, Johan Galtung, Bill Maher, Lars Gule, Umberto Eco, Mark Roberts, James Randi på konspirasjonen? Er det fordi de elsker Bush?

    Ser gjerne at "sannhetsprofetene" hadde forklart dette, uten å omgå spørsmålene slik de pleier.

  29. Skrullinger(de enfoldige i ånden) har vi alltid hatt blant oss. Tidligere nøyde de seg med vinkelens tredeling, perpetuum mobile eller løsningen aav det etruskiske språkets gåte. Stort sett ufarlige greier. Etter 9/11 har de fått noe nytt fornuftsstridig å bryne seg på, og i motsetning til tidligere har ed nå også et publikum, parkert i politikkens ytterkanter, særlig på venstresiden, som jo aldri har hatt så stor respekt for vitenskapelige fakta og slikt.

    I grunnen en svært skummel utvikling.


  31. Herregud....

    "sæle er de gale, for de vet ikke om det".

  32. Er det noen som har tenkt på at attentatet mot Gahr Støres hotell i Afghanistan egentlig var et stunt utført av SV for å bidra til å få troppene hjem?

  33. Apropos "Tidligere kanadisk forsvarsminister" - kanskje ikke verdens beste sannhetsvitne?
    (Kortversjon for de late: - Teknologi fra UFOer kan redde verden)

  34. Simon, du skriver: "vel fnord, du skjønner at de røde ER fienden."

    Ja, jeg skjønner. Jeg trodde det var terrorisme og økologisk krise som var de store problemene for vår tid, problemer som burde få praktiske mennesker til å snakke med hverandre, å mobilisere felles ressurser. Men jeg ser, etter å ha lest Vampus visdom, at det selvfølgelig er sosialistene og deres stadige mas om eiendoms-skatt og slikt som vil gjøre det alt for dyrt å bo på Hankø som er problemet. Øko-krisa fins jo ikke og alle terroristene kan vi jo bare putte i fengsel!

    Salige er de gale, sant nok, men de enfoldige har det ikke så verst de heller. Akk, dette blir vel kuttet det også...

  35. sven: Oh, yes. Inn under samme kategori som at Neil Armstrong aldri var på månen (hvis han var førstemann, hvem holdt kamera?).

    Dersom USA/Bush står bak en kjempekonspirasjon som uten å nøle dreper 3000 mennesker i Twin Towers og deretter ofrer amerikanske soldaters liv i Irak og Afghanistan - klarer de virkelig ikke å eliminere folk som Dylan Avery - nobodyen som lagde konspirasjonsvideoen "Loose change", som Ås baserer sin "analyse" på, og slette denne fra nettet?

  36. Kjerringa må være gal. Jeg kjenner personlig en som var øyenvitne til at fly nr. 2 styrtet i South Tower, og han er hverken agent eller noe som helst annet for Bush' administrasjon. Å påstå noe annet enn at det var fly som styrtet i bygningene blir så dumt at det ikke er verdt å svare på en gang.

    Forøvrig har det blitt påvist så mange faktafeil i filmen "Loose Change" at det overrasker meg at noen fortsatt tar den seriøst. Men evne til å forholde seg til fakta (ALLE fakta, ikke bare løsrevne biter som forvrenges slik at det passer med ens verdenssyn) har aldri vært konspirasjonsteoretikeres sterke side.

  37. Michael Meacher is Former Under Secretary for Industry, Under Secretary for Health and Social Security, Minister for the Environment, and Member of the House of Commons (UK).

    In a video 5/6/06 he states: Regarding the 9/11 Commission Report "It was a 580-page avoidance of any serious explanation. … The official investigative report says the US has never been able to find the sources of financing for 9/11. And then they say this "That after all is a matter of no great importance." I find that astonishing. It is a matter of absolutely central importance. So there was a very great deal of evidence. And it seems to me extraordinary that the United States with its stupendous military capabilities and the most technologically advanced country in the world completely and totally failed to follow up on these leads."

    In an essay 7/22/04 he writes: "[Ahmed Omar Saeed] Sheikh is also the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), wired $100,000 before the 9/11 attacks to Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker. It is extraordinary that neither Ahmed nor Sheikh have been charged and brought to trial on this count. Why not? ...

    When Ahmed was exposed by the Wall Street Journal as having sent the money to the hijackers, he was forced to "retire" by President Pervez Musharraf. Why hasn't the US demanded that he be questioned and tried in court?"


  38. Det er mange merkverdigheter som etter hvert dukker opp om 9/11, og jeg vil her påpeke en ting.

    Etter 9/11 hadde Fox News en reportasje i fire deler ved Carl
    Cameron, hvor man fortalte om omfattende israelsk spionasje mot
    USA, og også antydet mulige israelske forbindelser med 911.
    Blant annet rapporterer Fox News om et israelsk selskap, Comverse
    Infosys, som leverer software til switcher og routere i det
    amerikanske telefonsystemet, og det er bygget inn bakdører i denne
    softwaren, slik at Comverse Infosys kan avlytte enhver
    telefonsamtale som blir foretatt i USA. Etter at denne reportasjen
    ble sendt, så skiftet Comverse Infosys navn til Verint

    Interessant nok har denne reportasjen siden forsvunnet fra Fox News
    sine websider. Ikke nok med det, men den har også forsvunnet fra
    Fox News sin programoversikter, slik at ifølge Fox News har dette
    programmet aldri blitt sendt, og det har heller aldri eksistert.
    Sendingene til Fox News er blitt lastet opp på internett, men disse
    videoene forsvinner hele tiden fra YouTube og GoogleVideo.

    Hvorfor nekter Fox News for at de har sendt dette programmet, og
    for at dette programmet i det hele tatt eksisterer? Og hvorfor
    forsvinner dette programmet hele tiden fra YouTube og GoogleVideo?

    Her er en webside med linker til programmet. Men hvis dere vil se
    dette, så vær raske, for disse programmene forsvinner fra YouTube
    og GoogleVideo omtrent like fort som de blir lastet opp.


  39. Prior warnings of 9/11

    A number of people apparently knew to stay clear of the World Trade
    Center on September 11th, 2001.

    Newsweek reported:

    "Three weeks ago there was another warning that a terrorist strike
    might be imminent - On September 10, Newsweek has learned, a group
    of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the
    next morning, apparently because of security concerns."

    (Bush: We're at War, Newsweek, 9/24/01).

    Unfortunately, Newsweek never published the names of these top
    Pentagon officials.

    A number of business leaders who would normally have been in the
    World Trade Center, were instead at a meeting hosted by Warren
    Buffett on September 11th at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha,
    Nebraska. (Warren Buffet is the second richest man in the world).


    San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted to having received a
    warning from what he described as his airport security late Monday
    evening, just hours before the attack.


    Salman Rushdie was prevented from flying on September 11th, 2001.


    On 9/11/01, Jim Pierce, cousin of President Bush, was scheduled to
    attend a conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower, where
    his company's New York offices were based. But the conference was
    moved across the street to the Millennium Hotel.


    Another group of people that received warnings in advance of the
    attack were employees of Odigo, the instant messaging service. Two
    employees received e-mail messages two hours before the first World
    Trade Center assault, predicting the attack.


    Silverstein Properties, that had just obtained a 99-year lease on
    the World Trade Center, had planned to meet on 9/11/01 on the 88th
    floor of one of the towers, but cancelled the meeting Monday night.

    (New York Times, 9/12/01, page C6)

  40. Michael Meacher, Member of the British Parliament, was environment minister from May 1997 to June 2003. He thinks that 9/11 was used as a pretext for the invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, which were planned long before the attack on World Trade Center. In an article in The Guardian, September 6, 2003, he writes:

    A blueprint for the creation of a global Pax Americana, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences, was written in September 2000 by the neoconservative think tank, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

    The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document attributed to Wolfowitz and Libby which said the US must "discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role". It describes peacekeeping missions as "demanding American political leadership rather than that of the UN". It says "even should Saddam pass from the scene", US bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently... as "Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has". It spotlights China for "regime change", saying "it is time to increase the presence of American forces in SE Asia".

    The document also calls for the creation of "US space forces" to dominate space, and the total control of cyberspace to prevent "enemies" using the internet against the US. It also hints that the US may consider developing biological weapons "that can target specific genotypes [and] may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool".

    Finally - written a year before 9/11 - it pinpoints North Korea, Syria and Iran as dangerous regimes, and says their existence justifies the creation of a "worldwide command and control system". This is a blueprint for US world domination. But before it is dismissed as an agenda for rightwing fantasists, it is clear it provides a much better explanation of what actually happened before, during and after 9/11 than the global war on terrorism thesis. The so-called "war on terrorism" is being used largely as bogus cover for achieving wider US strategic geopolitical objectives. 9/11 offered an extremely convenient pretext to put the PNAC plan into action. The evidence again is quite clear that plans for military action against Afghanistan and Iraq were in hand well before 9/11.

    Similar evidence exists in regard to Afghanistan. Until July 2001 the US government saw the Taliban regime as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of hydrocarbon pipelines from the oil and gas fields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. But, confronted with the Taliban's refusal to accept US conditions, the US representatives told them "either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs" (Inter Press Service, November 15 2001).

    Given this background, it is not surprising that some have seen the US failure to avert the 9/11 attacks as creating an invaluable pretext for attacking Afghanistan in a war that had clearly already been well planned in advance. The PNAC blueprint of September 2000 states that the process of transforming the US into "tomorrow's dominant force" is likely to be a long one in the absence of "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". The 9/11 attacks allowed the US to press the "go" button for a strategy in accordance with the PNAC agenda which it would otherwise have been politically impossible to implement.


  41. The Israeli Connection.

    Sibel Edmonds is a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator
    for the FBI, who listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted
    conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field

    The former FBI translator turned whistleblower tells a chilling
    story of corruption at Washington’s highest levels—sale
    of nuclear secrets, shielding of terrorist suspects, illegal arms
    transfers, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, espionage.


    As reported by The Times, Edmonds claims that Marc Grossman, ambassador to
    Turkey from 1994-97, undersecretary of state for political affairs
    from 2001-05, and in the third-highest position at the State
    Department, was instrumental in seeding Turkish and Israeli Ph.D.
    students into major American research labs that handled nuclear
    technology. The nuclear secrets they acquired were transmitted to
    Pakistan and to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the "father of the Islamic
    bomb," who in turn was selling nuclear technology to Libya, Iran
    and North Korea.

    It is therefore likely that the nuclear secrets stolen from the United
    States would have been sold to a number of rogue states.

    Other persons peddling nuclear secrets-committing treason - while
    receiving honors for their patriotic service - include prominent
    neocons Richard Perle, Eric Edelman, Marc Grossman, Brent Snowcroft, Larry
    Franklin, Ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Roy Blunt (R-Mo), Dan
    Burton (R-Ind.), Tom Lantos (D-Ca.), Bob Livingston (ex-House
    Speaker, R-La.), Stephen Solarz (D-NY), Graham Fulle (RAND), David
    Makovsky (WINEP), Martin Markovsky (WINEP).


    More ominously, The Times reports: "Following 9/11, a number of the
    foreign operatives were taken in for questioning by the FBI on
    suspicion that they knew about or somehow aided the attacks."

    These were the Five Dancing Arabs. Five Arabs -- dressed in Arab
    clothing -- were seen celebrating after the World Trade Center
    towers were hit with airplanes. Later that day he police spotted
    their van and stopped them. The police discovered that they were
    Israeli army veterans, not Arabs. Their Arab clothing was
    discovered in their van, along with box cutters and weapons, and
    their visas had expired, so they were in the country illegally.
    There were arrested and put in a federal jail in Brooklyn.


    As documented in the Fox News report, more than 200 Israelis were
    arrested in connection with the 9/11 attack. However, they were
    not investigated. Rather, they were released from jail and sent
    back to Israel.

    Sibel Edmonds explains why: "Immediately after 911, the FBI
    arrested a bunch of people suspected of being involved with the
    attacks – including four associates of key targets of FBI's
    counterintelligence operations. Sibel heard the targets tell Marc
    Grossman: 'We need to get them out of the U.S. because we can't
    afford for them to spill the beans.' Grossman duly facilitated
    their release from jail and the suspects immediately left the
    country without further investigation or interrogation.

    Let me repeat that for emphasis: Marc Grossman—ambassador to
    Turkey from 1994-97 and undersecretary of state for political
    affairs from 2001-05, and in the third-highest position at the
    State Department. facilitated the immediate release of 911 Israeli
    suspects at the request of targets of the FBI's investigation.


    Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds, and if the U.S.
    government has its way, they never will. The American mainstream
    media have so far been stunningly silent about the Sibel Edmonds
    case. So have the Norwegian media.

  42. Environmental Crimes.

    Starting September 13, 2001, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) administrator Christine Todd Whitman began issuing reassuring and false statements designed to get the Wall Street area up and running as soon as possible:

    "I'm glad to reassure the people of New York that their air is safe to breathe."

    This was an outrages lie.

    It soon became clear that EPA reports were rife with falsified data and in fact, had been revised by the White House's "Council on Environmental Quality" so that business on Wall Street would resume quickly. Ground Zero workers were told the area was safe and they didn't need to wear respirators. Some were forbidden to wear respirators. The EPA did not recommend that pregnant women and children take any extra precautions. Local businesses and schools were re-opened within days. And since the EPA declared conditions were safe, insurance companies often refused to pay people's health claims.

    In her report to the International Citizen's Inquiry into 9/11 (NYC, 9/9/04), Dr. Jenna Orkin of the World Trade Center Environmental Organization (www.wtceo.org), detailed the amount of toxic chemicals that were dispersed in the Manhattan area when the WTC buildings collapsed. She noted that the Twin Towers contained about 50,000 computers, each made with between 4 and 12 pounds of lead. And the first 40 stories of just one of the towers were coated with hundreds of tons of asbestos that were pulverized into tiny particles and then dispersed around lower Manhattan and possibly beyond. Tens of thousands of fluorescent light bulbs each contained enough mercury to contaminate a quarter of a city block. Smoke detectors contained radioactive materials. The EPA found levels of PCBs that were 75,000 previous record levels, as well as record levels of dioxin. A month after 9/11, the University of California at Davis found the highest levels of vanadium and other heavy metals they had ever recorded. In all, Orkin stated that the levels of air contamination would be equivalent to living next to dozens of asbestos factories as well as a live volcano. Physics professor Steven Jones (2006) also noted that the dust at Ground Zero was found to be loaded with asbestos, mercury, heavy metals, and to have an extremely alkaline pH of 12.1. Hence, the dust was "as caustic as liquid drain cleaner."

    Dr. Orkin states that for every asbestos fiber that the EPA found (using old equipment), independent contractors found 9. And the EPA revised their own standards so that the acceptable risk of cancer could be as high as one person in 10.

    Exposure to the highly toxic conditions at ground zero has subsequently caused new-onset asthma in about 70% of Ground Zero workers and a larger percentage of the fire fighters. Over 21 people have died prematurely as of 1/1/06.

    Congressman Nadler stated: " The EPA has failed to uphold its own mission- "to protect human health- and the natural environment- air, water, and land, upon which life depends." And U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts decried Whitman's "deliberate and misleading statements" as "shocking the conscience". In 2004, the Sierra Club issued a report entitled "Pollution and Deception at Ground Zero".


  43. Det er tydeligvis mange anonyme som ikke har spist haldolen sin i dag, og derfor har glemt både jesuittene og frimurerne, patetiske tullinger og tapere som de er.

  44. Berit Ås tilhører 911PK-gruppen, som har utarbeidet følgende Plattform-dokument:

    Er det noen i dette forumet som kan lese, eller duger dere bare til verdiløs pubertal synsing på 2-3 setninger?

  45. Skrullinger med ufyselige synspunkter er fortsatt ufyselige skrullinger uansett om de kaller seg Berit eller Rolf Kenneth. Dere har ikke mere krav på respekt enn holocaust-benektere.

  46. Willie Nelson doubts 9/11.

    Willie Nelson – 9-time Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, recording artist, producer, actor, activist. Inductee in the Country Music Hall of Fame. Appeared in numerous movies.

    In an interview with Alex Jones, he tells that he doubts the official story about 9/11.

    Alex Jones: What's your take on 9/11? Do you question the official story?

    Willie Nelson: I certainly do. And I saw those towers fall and I've seen an implosion in Las Vegas. There's too much similarities between the two. And I saw the building fall [Building 7] that didn't get hit by nothing. So, how naive are we? What do they think we'll go for?

    Alex Jones: Are you saying you started having questions -- the little voice in your head -- I mean did you have a bad feeling the day it happened? Is that what you're saying?

    Willie Nelson: The day it happened. I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical. I said, "Wait a minute, I just saw that last week at the casino in Las Vegas." And you see these implosions all the time and the next one fell and I said, "Hell, there's another one." And they're trying to tell me that an airplane did it? And I can't go along with that.

    Article: http://prisonplanet.com
    Audio recording: http://prisonplanet.com/audio/040208nelson.mp3

  47. Willie er sikkert en flink artist, men han da vitterlig røkt en del rare ting gjennom karrieren.

  48. Global Battlespace Dominance.

    9/11 var en såkalt 'false-flag' operasjon, det vil si at USA, eller Bush-administrasjonen, sto bak 9/11, samtidig som de forsøkte å legge skylden på andre. Før man avfeier dette, må man være klar over at det er mange andre 'false-flag' operasjoner i USAs historie. For eksempel var senkningen av 'Maine' i 1899, som startet den spansk-amerikanske krigen, utført av USA, og ikke av Spania, som det ble påstått. Angrepet i Tonkin-bukta som startet vietnam-krigen fant aldri sted, og ble diktet opp av Lyndon B. Johnsen. Under seks-dagers krigen i 1967 utførte USA og Israel et angrep på det amerikanske spionskipet 'USS Liberty' som da befant seg utenfor kysten av Israel, med den hensikt å senke skipet, gi Egypt skylden for ugjerningen og dermed gi USA en unnskyldning for
    å gripe inn i krigen på Israels side. USS Liberty sendte ut
    nødsignaler som ble oppfattet et hangarskip i nærheten som deretter sendte ut jagere som assistanse, men president Lyndon B Johnsen tilbakekalte jagerne med den utvetydige beskjeden: 'I want that goddamn ship to the bottom of the sea'. Man har også Northwood-dokumentene, som viser at USA i 1961, ved stabssjef Lyman Lemnitzer, hadde planer om å kapre fly og skyte dem ned over Karibien og deretter gi Cuba skylden, for å få en unnskyldning for å invadere Cuba. 'False-flag'-operasjoner er derfor ikke noe nytt
    for USA - tvert imot. Og dersom du ikke har hørt om operasjon Gladio, så slå det opp i Wikipedia - du kommer antagelig til å bli overrasket.

    Så dersom Bush-administrasjonen sto bak 9/11, og dermed er skyldig i massemord og høyforræderi, så er ikke dette noen nyhet i USAs historie.

    For å forstå bakgrunnen for 9/11 må man kjenne til de såkalte nykonservative (neocons) og deres agenda. De nykonservative, som har flertallet i Bush-administrasjonen, har lenge gått inn for en aggresiv utenrikspolitikk, og vil bruke 'pre-emptive strikes' (forkjøpsslag) og kjernefysiske våpen mot de landene som nekter å underkaste seg USA. USAs elite har lenge hatt for vane å sette inn
    marionett-regjeringer i andre land, og bruker terror for å få befolkningen til å underkaste seg USAs overhøyhet. (Sjahen av Iran, general Pinochet i Chile, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán i Guatemala osv).

    I sentrum av den amerikanske opprustingen står et program for å militarisere og dominere rommet. Dette vil kreve en massiv økning av ressurser for det amerikanske 'forsvaret', slik som skissert i 'The Grand Chessboard' av Zbigniew Brzezinski og 'Rebuilding Americas Defenses' ved the Project for the New American Century. Hensikten med dette programmet er klart og tydelig beskrevet i et dokument som kalles "Vision for 2020", som begynner slik: "US Space
    Command—dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect US interests and investment." Hensikten med opprustningen er slett ikke å beskytte USA, men å beskytte amerikanske investeringer utenfor USA. Hensikten er å dominere rommet for å beskytte de økonomiske interessene til USAs elite. Dette vil, ifølge løpende estimater, kreve mer enn $1 trillion fra amerikanske skattebetalere.

    "Vision for 2020" inneholder ingen sentimentale uttrykk om at USA ønsker å dominere rommet for å fremme demokrati eller andre fromme ønsker. Dokumentet sier direkte: "The globalization of the world economy...will continue with a widening between 'haves' and 'have-nots.'" Med andre ord, etter hvert som USAs dominans i verdensøkonomien blir sterkere og sterkere, vil de fattige bli fattigere og de rike bli rikere, og dette vil få de fattige til å hate USA enda mer, og derfor må USA ha militær styrke til å holde
    de fattige i sjakk. Opprinnelig ble programmet kalt "Global
    Battlespace Dominance." Dette var muligens for direkte, så nå kalles programmet "Full Spetrum Dominance". Dette betyr ikke bare dominant på land, på sjø og i luften, men også i rommet og når det gjelder informasjon. USAs elite har altså til hensikt å bruke det amerikanske forsvaret til personlig berikelse og for å skaffe seg enda mer makt.

    For de som ikke kjenner de nykonservatives agenda, vil det komme som en overraskelse at Bush-administrasjonen går inn for å militarisere verdensrommet. Fram mot 2020 planlegger USA å utplassere satelitter med strålevåpen i rommet, som kan siktes inn på ethvert mål på jorden Disse satelittene vil også kunne ødelegge andre lands satelitter. Dette vil gi USA absolutt og fullstendig verdenherredømme. Men dette militariseringsprogrammet vil bli utrolig kostbart, og kan ikke dekkes inn ved vanlig skattlegging. Planen er derfor å overføre penger fra social security (pensjonsfondene) til forsvarsbudsjettet. Men de nykonservative vet selvfølgelig at dersom de spør det amerikanske folk om USA skal bruke en trillion dollar på pensjoner eller om USA skal bruke en
    trillion dollar til å millitarisere verdensrommet, så vil 99,99% av den amerikanske befolkningen svare at de ønsker å bruke pengene på pensjoner. Derfor arrangerte Bush-administrasjonen 9/11 for delvis å lure, delvis å true den amerikanske befolkningen til å akseptere denne vanvittige opprustningen. Sett i denne konteksten blir drapet på 3000 mennesker en nødvendighet eller kanskje til og med en

    SDI, eller Strategic Defense Initiative, som Norge nå diskuterer om de skal delta i, er en del av dette romprogrammet (Global Battlespace Dominance).

  49. Global battlestar galactica, du glemte jesuittene og frimurerne. Sånt går ikke an!

  50. It has been very difficult to bring out the truth of 9/11 because of the boycott of the mainstream media. The new, explosive novel ‘The Shell Game’ by Steve Alten has the potential to help expand 9/11 truth to a mass audience. The Shell Game is already #31 on the best-seller list and climbing.

    The Bush administration is clearly planning a new false flag operation, this time possibly with nuclear weapons, in order to lead USA into war with Iran. We must do our best to try and prevent a new 9/11. So please buy this new, explosive novel ‘The Shell Game’. If the book goes to the top of the best-seller lists, it will be very difficult for the mainstream media to ignore it.

  51. Shell game, du er ikke skrudd helt riktig på plass i topplokket ditt. Ta en haldol.

  52. A new independent film “THE REFLECTING POOL”, is the first narrative feature
    film to challenge the official story of 9/11.

    “THE REFLECTING POOL” follows an investigation by a Russian-American
    journalist and the father of a 9/11 victim into many of the suppressed facts and
    anomalies surrounding the 9/11 tragedy. The investigation eventually yields
    striking revelations and implicates the U.S. Government in the attacks.

    After recent pre-view screenings on September 10 & 11 2007, at Oakland’s
    Grand Lake Theatre for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, “THE
    REFLECTING POOL” is being hailed as a significant step forward for the growing
    9/11 Truth movement. Comprised of hundreds of thousands of people in both the
    public and private sectors, the 9/11 Truth movement, with its myriad informational
    websites and books from recognized authors, seeks to educate the public about
    discrepancies in the official story of 9/11.

    THE REFLECTING POOL is an intense, sobering investigation into the most
    controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on
    verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for
    truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly

  53. 11th September, 2001, Sibel Edmonds worked as a translator for the FBI, but the employment was terminated after she reported criminal activities to her superior.

    On October 18, 2002; three months after she filed her suit against the Department of Justice for unlawful termination of her employment caused by her reporting criminal activities committed by government officials and employees, John Ashcroft, the then Attorney General, invoked a rarely invoked privilege, the State Secrets Privilege. According to Ashcroft, everything involving her case and her allegations were considered state secrets.

    In April 2004, after attorneys for a large group of 9/11 family members subpoenaed her deposition, the then Attorney General, John Ashcroft, invoked the state secrets privilege for the second time, and this time, he designated her place of birth, date of birth, her mother tongue, her father tongue, her university background, and her previous employments all State Secrets, Top Secret Classified, and matters of the highest level national security.

    In May 2004, John Ashcroft, decided to gag the entire Congress on anything that had to with Sibel Edmonds and her case. He ordered two ranking senators to take everything referring to her off their websites; he ordered them to consider all documents and letters related to her case ‘Top Secret,’ and he commanded that they, the Congress, shut their mouth on any issue that in any way referred or related to her.

    In June 2004, the United States District Court bowed to John Ashcroft, and announced its decision to no longer honor the Constitution as it relates to citizens’ right to due process: it dismissed the case and excused itself from providing any real explanation, due to any possible explanation, or lack of explanation, being classified as ‘Top Secret,’ and ‘State Secrets.’

    In July 2004, after two years of unexplained foot dragging, the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, announced its long over due investigation of Sibel Edmonds’ case complete and issued its report. The Attorney General stepped in on that same day and gagged his own Inspector General’s findings and report by classifying the entire report as secret.

    On April 21, 2005, for the first time in these three gagged years, her attorneys and Sibel finally had our day in court for our hearing before Appellate Court Judges.

    But on May 6, two weeks after the Kafkaesque court procedure, her attorneys and Sibel were given the verdict: The lower court’s decision was upheld, meaning unexplained secrecy applied to everything that had to do with her and her case; which were so secret that even the judges could not hear or see. In fact, the Appellate judges in her case did not cite any opinion or reason, because even the opinion itself would have been considered secret.

    In the past three years, Sibel been threatened; she has been gagged several times; she has continuously been prevented from pursuing her due process; all reports and investigations looking into her case have been classified; and every governmental or investigative authority dealing with her case has been shut up. According to legal experts familiar with her case, the level of secrecy and classification in her court case and the attitudes and handling of the court system in dealing with her case is unprecedented in the entire U.S. court history. According to other experts she is the most gagged woman anybody knows of or has heard of. Why?

  54. Many people have acted as whistleblowers on 9/11, among them
    Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer, DIA (Defense Intelligence
    Agency). Colonel Shaffer provided the 9/11 Commission with
    detailed information on intelligence and pre warning information
    obtained by his unit’s data mining project, Able Danger. The
    9/11 commission staff received not one but two briefings on Able
    Danger from Mr. Shaffer and his former team members, yet did not
    pursue the case, did not follow up on this documented report and
    refused to subpoena the relevant files. Mr. Shaffer’s
    testimony, together with other witnesses who corroborated his
    testimony and information, were censored by the 9/11 Commissioners
    and never made it to its final report.

    Congressman Curt Weldon later stated to Congress that the DIA
    (Defense Intelligence Agency) has "gagged Shaffer. He cannot speak
    truth to Congresspersons. Shaffer cannot tell the facts to the
    press. Further, the DIA has set their aim on destroying the
    reputation and life of Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer.
    DIA have engineered a precise smear campaign against Shaffer so as
    to leave him ruined. They have taken from Shaffer his security
    clearance, his salary, health care benefits for himself and
    children. They took away his security clearance one day before he
    was to testify before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, in

    John M. Cole, Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist
    worked for 18 years in the FBI's Counterintelligence Division as an
    Intelligence Operations specialist. Beginning in 1999, he
    discovered and began reporting serious issues of mismanagement,
    gross negligence, waste of government funds, security breaches,
    cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence that had
    national security implications. He wrote these issues in several
    letters to FBI management, to include Director Mueller to no avail.
    Mr. Cole had knowledge of certain activities that directly related
    to the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. He notified the 9/11
    Commission during its investigation, but never received a response.
    His name and contact information was provided to the Commission as
    a key witness by other witnesses, but he was never contacted or
    interviewed. After he reported these acts, he was
    retaliated against, suspended and ultimately left the FBI in March

  55. 9/11 as Psychological Operation; the Media as Propaganda Machine

    9/11 is probably best understood as a psychological operation or
    psyop against the public at large. It is difficult to explain this
    to ordinary people, because most people refuse to believe that
    their government wages a psychological war against them. Techniques
    by which governments and the media coerce the general population
    are well understood by the experts, but poorly understood by the
    public at large. Ordinary people have no knowledge or education
    about psychological warfare, and therefore we fail to recognize it
    when the government perform psychological operations upon us in
    order to deceive us and keep us in fear and ignorance.

    If 9/11 is viewed as a psychological operation, however, then it
    is easy to recognize the techniques of coercion as used by
    spin-doctors, cult leaders, and CIA psych-war specialists. The
    secret of mind control involves three basic steps: 1) generate
    disorientation, 2) induce regression, and 3) become the
    target’s transferred parent figure. Using this technique, a
    government (or a car salesman, or CIA interrogator, etc.) can
    coerce people to do things that are not in their best interest.

    Obviously, the first step, that of generating dissociation by
    disorientation, was accomplished by the media’s incessantly
    repeating images of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, and
    the images of those buildings subsequently collapsing. This
    created a kind of psychological shock and paralysis. As we watched
    the towers explode again and again, the safety of our own worlds
    also seemed to disintegrate. As the psych-war experts well knew,
    the dissociation we felt at this moment left us radically open to
    suggestion- to mass hypnosis. Our world had been annihilated and
    we were now ready to have a new world created for us. Bush then
    became our transferred parent figure. After 9/11, Bush’s
    ratings skyrocketed from about 39% to over 90%. The trick worked.

    Once people become infantilized, several tricks are used to
    control them. The best known is the “common enemy”
    technique. The more demonic the government/media complex paints
    “the common enemy” (Hitler, Stalin, Osama Bin Laden,
    Saddam Hussein, or whoever) the more ready we are to rally behind
    our leaders/protectors. Thus, repetition of “The Big
    Lie” by the government/media complex is another essential
    technique of control and coercion. Not only must the lies be
    repeated, but the truth and dissent must also be suppressed.
    “ The Big Lie,” (that 9/11 was performed by 19 arabs
    led by a caveman with a laptop in Afghanistan), is outrageous and
    preposterous. But we accept it because 1) 9/11 was a fairly
    successful “psy op” against the people, 2) we have
    become conditioned by the incessant barrage of propaganda we get
    from the mainstream media, 3) these lies are repeated over and over
    by all forms of media in what is called the “echo
    effect”, and 4) we feel we have to believe them in order to
    maintain our sense of safety and security. To question these lies
    means we must entertain some very scary realities. We might not
    want to learn that our government is a serial liar, torturer,
    thief, and murderer, indeed, a rogue, terrorist state. It is far
    easier and more comfortable to remain in the state of denial.

    The mainstream media have become purveyors of corporate/state
    propaganda. Today, nearly all the American main-stream media are
    owned by five corporations, essentially giving these corporations
    monopoly control. This is why we get virtually the same news and
    news bias from each of the television networks and from most major
    newspapers and radio outlets as well. This explains the prime
    time coverage of the actual 9/11 attacks over and over again on all
    stations. This explains why the New York Times ran a front-page
    story endorsing the 9/11 Commission Report as the final version of
    the history of 9/11. This explains the de facto censorship of
    David Ray Griffin’s (and others”) books that debunk the
    9/11 Commission Report. This explains why none of the law suits
    (at least three) brought by 9/11 victim’s family members
    against the Bush administration for “complicity” and
    RICO violations have received coverage. And in this
    corporate-controlled media, there is no room for dissent or
    dissenters. Dissenters are either vilified or ignored.

    The Bush-administration orchestrated 9/11 in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, and to lead the nation in ‘The War On Terror’. And the purpose of all this is, of course, to grab resources. You can get away with anything, nothing is illegal because no one knows
    about it, or the few who do are either in on it or have a vested
    interest in keeping quiet. Whether you're running guns, weapons,
    drugs, gold, diamonds, women, children, it just doesn't matter. As
    long as the old guard gets their resources, it's all good. And in
    the end, it's all about power. The people who really run this
    planet know that natural resources (oil, drugs, coltan, gold, etc.)
    are the key. The "War on Terror" is just a front for a
    geo-strategic resource grab on a massive scale.

    As Brigadier General Butler famously stated, "War is a racket." It
    doesn't have anything to do with freedom and democracy. It is not
    good fighting evil. There's just a bunch of old greedy gangsters
    making obscene amounts of cash and breeding hatred, violence,
    terrorists and sex slaves.
